Immune Health Oral Spray is an all natural-Silver, Zinc and 21 essential oils.
Knock Out Spray 15ml (1/2oz)
Knock Out: Immune Health Oral Spray is an all natural, nano-colloidal silver, nano-colloidal zinc, and 21 organic essential oils.
Suggested Use: Shake Well- If exposed, spray 5X into mouth every 2-4 hours. Do not exceed 20 sprays daily. Do not take if you have known food allergies to the ingredients. Do not spray into nose or eyes.
Store at room temperature- Daily Supplement.
Ingredients- Distilled water, nano-colloidal silver (20ppm) Nano zinc (10ppm), grain alcohol. Property blend of organic essential oils- Thyme, Ginger, Oregano, Tea Tree, Lemon Balm, Elima, Clove, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, lavender, Holy Basil, Bay Laurel, lemon, Lemongrass, Niaoli, Grapefruit, cinnamon, Rovensera, Malissa, Fennel, Turmeric.
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