Rebekah Niman, HHP, NES Practitioner and Reiki Master Thanks for stopping by!
I am Rebekah Niman. I am the owner of Rebekah’s Health and Nutrition Source, a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), a NES Health Practitioner and health coach based in Michigan. I also author, lecture and educate on the virtues of attaining good heath naturally. Most importantly, I’m a mother to 3 healthy boys.
I’m no stranger to health problems. For over 30 years I struggled with bladder and kidney problems, thyroid issues, migraines, Lyme disease and more. After becoming frustrated with the lack of improvement in my health through traditional approaches to healing I decided to take control of my own health and well-being. I educated myself on natural healing and holistic medicine and learned to treat the root causes of my issues and my body as a whole rather than simply treating symptoms. Now, at 60, I am the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life! I am medication free, very active and continue to grow physically and intellectually. The results obtained from my discovery process formed the foundation of my passion in natural healing and holistic medicine.
Are you interested in regaining, improving and maintaining your health? The best advice I can give you is to take control of your own life and health. You will find it personally rewarding and much more economical than our traditional health care system.
As your passionate health coach, let me encourage and assist you in replacing unhealthy lifestyle choices. Let me introduce you to the concepts of detoxification, oxygenation and the benefits of a positive mindset and proper nutrition. I am genuinely concerned about your heath as though you were my own family. Help me to achieve my goal of assisting you in heading down the path to a healthier life.
Regaining and maintaining your health with the holistic approach of feeding the body as nature intended is easy, inexpensive and incredibly empowering!
“You are not stuck where you are unless you decided to be.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
Home Lab Testing- Food Sensitivities, Hormones, Heavy Metals – Click Here Modern Allergy Management
What People Say

You have one of the very best Newsletters I have seen!
Kathy Marston
Now Foods

I wanted to share my before and afters showing my 47 pound loss in 2 rounds. The first was where I began; the middle is down 32 pounds in my first round (down 32 pounds in 34 days) and the third is to show where I am at now; I lost 15 pounds in my 2nd round.
Jen Priester
Photographer – Jen Prinster Photography

I want to tell you THANK YOU and your staff for taking the time to speak with my wife. As you can see in the photo I had to get a leather punch and adjust all my belts. It has been 30 years since I was this thin. The last 86lb loss and 85 inches of body mass loss is credited to healthy eating a good food choices.

Good evening! I just wanted to give u a compliment!! We (my bf and I) just started using your face & body lotion; he got Peppermint (Mojito) and I bought Patchouli (Peace and Love); we love them! His face hasn’t been this soft…ever!! My lotion is wonderful, I am however curious if you have a cream? I know they are thicker and maybe stay on longer? (i wash my hands, not alot, but often) We both enjoy the smells and the feel…I will continue to buy them (at Rebekah’s) and will keep an “eye” out for any new products you might come out with!! Ty again!
What We Believe
- We believe that there is an integral relationship between our health, the health of our planet and the way that that food is produced.
- We believe in transparency and that our customers have a right to visit our farms and learn how their food is grown or produced.
- We believe that as a group, working together and sharing our knowledge and experience helps us to provide better produce and products to our customers.
- We believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Using your dollars to buy local healthy food is a much wiser choice than buying conventional over processed foods that eventually harm your health, ultimately resulting in stress and financial strains associated with preventable illnesses.
- We believe that local dollars spent locally helps our area recover from our economic crisis.
- We practice what we preach and eat these same local organic foods.
This is the place for you if you want
- To have great tasting, fresh nutritious food.
- To know who grows, raises or makes your food.
- To know how it is grown, raised or made.
- To support sustainable environmental practices.
- To support small local family farms.
Group Goals
- To develop a convenient distribution system and a relationship with our customers.
- To increase everyone’s accessibility to local organic foods.
- To provide the best and most nutritious local organic food economically possible, being sensitive to family budgets during these tough economic times.
- To Remain economically viable so we can continue.