How many times have you considered starting to create a healthier lifestyle but held off? 🤷‍♀️Let’s be honest, there are countless excuses we can use to put off doing things that take time and effort but in the end give us the satisfaction we desire. Maybe you’ve thought about getting a gym membership🏋️‍♀️, hiring a coach🤓, or implementing a healthier diet🥕, but have you used one of these 3 excuses:

1. Waiting until the “right” time to start
2. Letting others make decisions for you
3. Doubting your own abilities

Do NOT make those 3 mistakes!

Let’s break down these excuses:
1. There is never a “right time” to start something new. Life will always be busy and there will always be new excuses to use. Think of it like this – if you start now, there’s a chance that a few months from now, you could already be at your goal. If you keep putting it off, there’s zero chance that you are at that goal in a few months. So give yourself a chance and start now!✨
2. You are the only person who can make decisions for your own life. Asking people’s opinions and/or advice is different from letting them decide for you. It’s perfectly okay to get advice from friends and family but in the end, you are the only one who can decide to go for your goal and create your ideal life.🌟
3. You need to believe in yourself. Doubting yourself is taking the easy way out of reaching your goals. It’s easy to say “I don’t think I can do it so I’m not gonna try”. If that’s your mindset, your goals will continue to stay just an idea and will never become your reality. Have some confidence in yourself and accept that the possibility of failure is OKAY, failing at something is not a total loss.

You will either
1. succeed or
2. fail, learn from it, and try again so in the end there is no real loss.đź’«

Moral of the story: if you have a goal, just go for it. If it’s a health and/or fitness goal and you need help with getting started, message me to chat!💗

Written by Fitness Coach Brooklyn Elwart

For more info contact her at

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