Christiana Brey, Rebekah's Health & Nutrition

Christina Bray- Celebrate the Ordinary

Long post.. sorry not sorry😜

As I was driving my tired (ok exhausted) self home last night. Eating my ordinary protein bar and wearing my ordinary black yoga pants I started to think about how awfully ordinary my life is and it made me sad

Then this morning as I’m sipping my coffee, eating landons leftover bagel, wearing a different pair of black yoga pants, hair washed but not brushed… my life felt so ordinary yet again

School drop off and pick ups, juice boxes. Endless piles of laundry. Kids that constantly have questions, need help, or want to pick a fight. Day after day where I thank god for my ability to run off the stress but also day after day of so, so, so much ordinary

And then it hits me… ORDINARY is good. I mean, It can be anyways. It’s all how we choose to look at it right?

Sometimes I think we look at the highlight reel and grade ourselves on a scale that forgets that ordinary is perfection and ALL THE REST is just a bonus 👈 read that again!

The days that we “get” to spend with our kids. The messes we “get” to clean up. The memes that tell our story without us saying a word (you know which ones I’m talking about!!). Those are days we could take for granted and we probably often do

Ordinary does not mean easy. I mean who wants easy??? It doesnt mean doors wont be slammed. Bills wont be late. Yoga pants wont be tight or kids wont talk back.

It doesn’t mean your ex wont be a nightmare or your job wont be stressful. It doesnt mean relationships wont end or that you wont ever get sick. It also doesnt mean you wont just be really, really tired both mentally and physically sometimes. Im here to tell you that there is SO MUCH freaking tired in the ordinary and it’s ok

So for today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year… lets choose to celebrate the ordinary❤

